Features offered by ZipLitter which makes lives of wcompanies easier

Globally, there has been a growing sense of urgency to manage the waste collection and its disposal efficiently. National and local authorities are constantly pressing businesses, hospitals and other waste generating bodies to keep a check and document their waste disposal methods. There are not many waste management systems in India which completely helps waste management companies to streamline their waste collection, its monitoring during transit and its proper disposal, but ZipLitter does it - making it one of leading Medical waste management systems in Ahmedabad.
ZipLitter’s comprehensive set of features allows waste management companies to properly utilize their resources to bring down operational costs and become more focused towards compliance to government norms while running the company, which is a unique concept for any medical waste management system in Ahmedabad.

Ziplitter - Medical Waste Management

Some of ZipLitter’s features which really helps waste management companies in their day to day work are:
  • Generation of Daily General and Collection reports: Daily reporting helps admins to analyze the sales trends and take decisions. It also helps to keep track of all the successful pickup requests that were accomplished against the ones which were not - helping the management to take necessary actions and utilize their resources accordingly.
  • QR code for waste baggages: With QR code, collectors can directly scan for the type and number of baggages, helping to achieve error-free waste collection. This is a very unique feature offered by ZipLitter in its application, if we compare it with other waste management systems in India.
  • Offline/Online support for waste collectors: Many times collectors have to travel to places lacking good internet connectivity, which ideally can hamper the operations. But with ZipLitter, all the waste collection addresses and other work related instructions upto 2 days are automatically pushed to the application, so that collectors can perform their day to day operations normally. The data recorded then synchronises back to the central server, once they are back online with good internet connectivity.
  • Integrated GPS navigation feature in mobile app: Collectors would never have to waste another minute to search for their pickup locations. Ziplitter comes pre-installed with GPS integrated maps which could reduce the waste pickup and transit time, substantially.
ZipLitter is one of the fastest growing medical waste management system in Ahmedabad, providing one stop solution to waste management companies. It helps companies to properly improve their processes, so that they can focus to maintain their environmental performance indexes. If you are a waste management company who still relies on manual management of operations and haven’t invested yet in any waste management systems in India, then surely go ahead and contact - ZipLitter. We hope our team can resolve all your queries and concerns.


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