Key Benefits of a Medical Waste Management System

For Hospitals and other entities generating Medical waste, its dumping and proper disposal is a uphill task. With government norms getting stringent day by day, the importance of Waste management companies in Ahmedabad is increasing drastically.
Ziplitter is a Medical Waste Management System which is designed by keeping in mind specifically the Waste Management companies in Ahmedabad and the clinics/hospitals, so that they are able to track and dispose-off the medical wastes with ease and also comply to government norms at the same time.
Below are some of the key benefits of Ziplitter, one of the leading Medical Waste Management System:
  • Easily analyze the wastes produced/disposed, category wise: As a hospital or as a Waste Management Company, it becomes quite easy with Ziplitter to generate daily/weekly/monthly reports which can be used for analysis. This can help save a lot of money to organizations, as they can take better and informed decisions based on the reports.
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  • For Hospitals, better control over the Waste Management vendors’ services: With offline requests and communication, it is quite difficult for medical organizations to cope up with the waste management companies, and there are greater chances of lapses and miscommunications with it. With a Medical Waste Management System like Ziplitter, any such misses or lapses can be avoided - you just need to enter your pick-up request with the type and number of bags, and you are done!!!
  • For Waste Management Companies, GPS mode with integrated maps for better traceability: There are numerous ways to misuse medical wastes - and can happen at both hospital or waste management company’s end. Researches show that the most ‘misplacements’ happen during transit - i.e. between the pick-up and delivery of wastes. Ziplitter provides solution to this problem - an integrated and best in class GPS tracker which has predefined routes for drivers and a dashboard for admin so that all the activities can be tracked easily.
  • Offline-Online Sync mode for Collectors to help them in areas with bad connectivity: Ziplitter provides offline application operation modes to Waste management companies in Ahmedabad, where the application can be used without internet connectivity in certain remote areas or in areas with bad signal reception. All the data then would be synced back to the cloud server the moment connectivity is restored. This is a very unique feature of Ziplitter, and not many Medical Waste Management System provides this facility.
In case you still have doubts or need more information on Ziplitter, you can contact us and we would be more than happy to assist you.


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